Kaitlyn turned 2 on June 23rd! We had to celebrate a lot, so she ended up having 2 friend parties and 2 family parties. So yes, she had 4 parties !! For some reason we can never do simple birthdays.
Party #1- The Tea Party:
I was supposed to work at the rec. center on her actual birthday, but was able to find a sub, so we invited 2 of her friends over last minute for a tea party. April was kind enough to take Nate, and I had Mason, so we did a kid swap. It was better that way, b/c then I could totally focus on the girls. We went to the dollar store and got them jewelry, hats, and shoes and then set up a tea party in our dining room. They were quite adorable pouring each other apple juice tea. Kaitlyn just kept saying, "Masn" "Halee" and pointing to them. She was really excited they were there! We then played in the basement for awhile and decided that we needed to go swimming, so I put the girls suits on and we filled up the baby pools. Hallie wanted to play hide and seek so we did that too! It was fun having a girl's only party and I think KK loved it! When Nate got home, he was sad the party was over, but cheered up after I told him the treats were not gone yet.
Party #2- The Family Party to On the Border:
That night, we had to celebrate and go out as a family. I can't not celebrate on the actual day. We let Kaitlyn open her presents from us: a bike, a dollhouse, puzzles, books, crayons, and a bubble lawnmower. She kept singing "Happy Birthday to KK!" but of course wouldn't do it for the camera, and would instead say, "No Happy Birthday!" We took her for Mexican food and let her get a sundae. The kids were both fairly well behaved. I can't believe my baby is 2!
Party #3- BBQ at the lake:
We invited several friends to the lake for a bbq to celebrate! I always like an excuse to get friends together:) I made fish shaped cupcakes ( I got the idea from my sis-in-law Ali!- thanks Ali!), and we bbqed the usual. Kaitlyn didn't like all the attention, but enjoyed having her friends there and playing in the sand and water. Each of the kids got a large water shooter and a bucket and shovel. Thanks to everyone who came and made her day special:)
Party #4- With my parents:
We had another bbq with my parents, went to the lake, and they took Kaitlyn to the store to let her pick out a present or two. She loves her grandparents!
Talking to Grandma and Grandpa on her big day! |
The tea party! |
Hallie looks like such a lady here, I love it! |
They were quite adorable playing together:) |
Friends at the lake party! |
Another bbq! |
And just for fun, I wanted to include a pic from each month this year. Kaitlyn, we love you and we are so lucky to be your parents! She is smart as a whip and talks a mile a minute. She is also very sassy, but helpful and the best cuddle bug. What a joy!
23 months |
22 months |
21 months |
21 months |
20 months |
19 months |
18 months |
17 months |
16 months |
15 months |
14 months |
13 months |